

Ryan Tepper Tech Services is run by Ryan Tepper, now a Sophomore at the University of Maryland-College Park, and formerly a student at Livingston High School, who has been intrested in technology and creative art since a young age. Ryan has studied all forms of art for many years as an extracurricular activity and has studied graphic design and digital imaging in four years of high school, including at the AP level.

Ryan Tepper Tech Services intially began with assisting family and close friends, then developed into a business as he became a high school student. Word of mouth through social media and personal connections helped expand his business throughout the Livingston community and surrounding aras.

Ryan has also been a member of the Techie Teen Tutors club at Livingston High School since 2019, a club where senior citizens in Livingston are invited to bring in and ask questions about their devices for free assistance and education from the high school students on a monthly basis. Tech support ranges from basic mobile phone or device questions to tutorials on how to run a Google search; how to FaceTime or Zoom with friends and family, setting up a new Kindle and borrowing books from the online library, to accessing a locked email or website account.

Ryan has also used his tech support skills to raise fund for Tech 4 Teens (throught NA'AMAT USA) which uses the donated funds to buy technology basics such as computers, software, printers, cameras, and projectors for at-risk youth in rural high schools in Israel who would otherwise not have access to these everyday devices. Purchasing those items gives these teenagers a chance to gain competency, confidence, self-esteem, and skills that enable them to become productive citizens of Israel. Ryan volunteered his tech support skills on various days at no charge in exchange for donations to this amazing and necessary program. 


Ryan Tepper Video Montages

Video Editor / 2019 - Present

1210 Associates (Defend-O-Rama)     

Webmaster / Aug 2020 - Dec 2020

Shop The Edit

Webmaster / Aug 2020 - Nov 2020

Touchless Point by Julie Maloof Designs

Webmaster / Aug 2020 - Nov 2020